
The Astronaut Farmer

Billy Bob Thornton

b.8/4/1955 Hot Springs AR

Father was a high school history teacher and mother was a practicing psychic Billy Bob formed a rock music band after high school and moved to California as a lead singer and actor Academy Award nomination Best Actor “Single Blade” 1996 Academy Award Best Screenplay writer “Single Blade” 1996 First cinematic movie: “For the Boys” 1991


For the Boys, Bound by Honor, Tombstone, Indecent Proposal, Floundering, Single Blade, On Deadly Ground, The Apostle, Boogie Nights, Armageddon, Primary Colors, The Man Who Wasn’t There, Pushing Tin, Monster’s Ball, The Badge, Waking Up in Reno, Bad Santa, Levity, Love Actually, The Alamo, Friday Night Lights, Ice Harvest, The Astronaut Farmer, Eagle Eye, The Informers, Smell of Success, Faster